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Understanding Writing Modes

How do Conway Stewart line widths compare to Japanese line widths?

Please see attached diagram.

Special Nib Options: What are the 3 basic nib shapes or styles?

Round Nibs:. A round nib is ground and polished to have roughly a circular footprint, so that its line width is fairly uniform no matter what direction the nib is moving across the paper. Here is a magnified silhouette representing the basic shape of

What is the line width of different nibs?

The approximate line widths produced by these nibs are as follows:- Broad 0.85 – 1.00mm- Medium 0.65 – 0.80mm- Fine 0.45 – 0.60mm- Extra Fine 0.35 – 0.40mmThese are approximations only and will be influenced by the amount of pressure exerted by the w

What is a rollerball?

A rollerball is like a biro/ballpoint but has the free-flowing ink qualities of a fountain pen. Beautiful to write with, yet with the convenience of a ball-point.

What are Calligraphy nibs?

Calligraphy nibs have the same shape as italic nibs (i.e. elongated), but might be even wider, and are finished with squarer edges. This square-edged grind and the wider footprint result in a greater tendency to catch on corners and a greater tendenc

What are Oblique nibs?

An oblique is ground so that the writing tip contacts the paper properly when the pen is rotated in the user’s hand. This suits some handwriting better. There is some confusion over what is a left oblique, and right oblique, so a good way to remember